Wednesday, 5 September 2018

What to feed kittens

What to feed kittens

The process of weaning the kitten kittens is transitioning from mother's milk to solid food. That is one important part of the development of the cat is, and should be done at the right time and with the right way. Usually the parent cats, will handle the weaning his own son. But when the parent cat has trouble producing milk, or when the parent cat to die, we need to help. Here are some tips for weaning cat smoothly and successfully.


Normally, the kitten should get mother's milk intake within a span of 12 to the first 24 hours of life. The first milk, or colostrum, contains antibodies that kittens can only absorb during this time.
"Some milk is better than no milk, " said Dr. Jules Benson, vice president of service animals on Petplan. If he doesn't produce breast milk due to mastitis or other problems, the parent cats can breastfeed as the kitten itself.

then what to feed a newborn kitten without a mother ? If a cat feeding is not available, You can feed the kitten milk replacement formula using the bottle or syringe. In an emergency, Benson recommend mixing a cup of milk, eggs, a drop of liquid multivitamin, and three Tums in blender; But it is his nature to use temporarily, to get some nutrients to the kittens, and you have to switch to formula as soon as possible.

prepare a bottle of milk for three to four weeks. Keep warm in a State in a bottle in a cup of hot water and try to check the temperature and it hasn't deteriorated. If you are using powdered formula, save unmixed powder in freezer.

Give slowly but often: every two to three hours at a time during the day. At night, don't worry about it; they will wake you up when they're hungry. If they were asleep, let them sleep, and they are going to sleep himself.


Weaning process begins around the age of four weeks.  "With mom, they will start trying to eat his food, and he'd push them from him, " says Benson. But if there is no parent cat, you can start early, between three and four weeks.

"When they start biting and chewing on a bottle, they're ready, " says Benson. At this point, you can begin to introduce cat food.


To begin weaning the kitten, give the kitten formula mixed with food so that they recognize the flavor. Smear mixture around their mouth with your fingers and let them lick. Once they get used to the taste, they will find out elsewhere. Then you can introduce them to eat from a bowl. Monitor them so they don't eat too fast, and direct their face into the bowl, which can cause them to inhale the mixture and developed pneumonia.

Between the fourth and sixth week, gradually transition kittens weaning to dry food, supplementing with formula if needed. Using canned food or dry cat food mixed with water; at first, add plenty of water, and then reduce the amount of water as the kitten matured.
The General Schedule for cats weaning may be:
  • Week 4-5: feed wet or dry food moistened, mixed with formula to form mud. Supplement with formula if the kitten did not take to new foods, to make sure it gets enough calories.
  • 5-6: week of weaning must start to nibble on kibble, slightly moistened with water.
  • Week 6-7: now, the process of weaning the kitten is complete, and they have to eat solid food for up to seven weeks.

When you learn to weaning the kitten to solid foods, it is very important to use a food specially formulated for kittens. This formula has a higher level of calories, protein and calcium growing kitten needs.

Weaning kittens have to keep warm. Build a place with high sides of the box layer or foil your pets with a towel. Benson also recommends adding a layer of diapers on top of the towel, cut the leg holes to make them lay down.  "They will get freedom, " said, and this makes the cleaning easier. Place the cushion heater or hot water bottle under a towel on one half of the box. This gives the kittens warmth, but also a place to cool off if they overheat.

weaning is the process of natural Cat; they may just need a little help from you. Keywords: a little patience and lots of love.

The procedure caring for newborn kittens and mother

Care for the family cat is a fun thing. But there are a few things you should know about caring for newborn kittens and mother. What is it?

Maybe a cat feels happy as a human being at the moment would be a mother. This is certainly very interesting. Imagine our House many kittens. Maybe it could just make your load or happy. Don't worry about it. Taking care of baby kittens and their mom doesn't have to be a chore. If there is, it should be nothing short of being a true pleasure. Yes, you could look after a cute little animals ever! then how to care for newborn kittens and cats. Here is what you need to know.

Provide privacy for cats
As a mother would, your cat is certainly going to be some kind of protective over her children. This is natural, and so she will want to look after their own. That means that you need to give him and the little privacy now and then. Give them the space they need so that they can nurse and relax. You may want to give them their own space where they can all be together as a family. Failing that, a quiet corner set in one of the rooms in your home. Leave the kittens and momma yourself whenever you can so not to hassle them. Trust us, doing so will make a big difference.

Keep the environment clean
Need to remember, baby kittens are prone to infections and the like. They are still very young and in their stages of development. That is why germs and bacteria can be very dangerous for them now. The last thing you want or need is for them to catch the virus or the like. So, how can you avoid this terrible problem? Well, one thing you should try is to keep home environment clean as can be. That means regularly wash things that cats come into contact with on a regular basis. From their cart into the carpet, You want to make sure that everything is in tip-top condition. When you take care of baby kittens and their mom, this is rule number one, after all.

The availability of clear water
While the kittens will get their nutrients from momma cat, you need to provide them with one important thing; water. They need fresh water as often as possible. You should not underestimate this little cat's thirst. They are full of energy and life right now. That means that they also need water as much as they can possibly drink. You may need to change their water bowl is about two or three times per day. It may seem time consuming and, frankly, a little over the top, but you have to do it. You see, the water is dirty very fast, especially when there are many animals around. Drinking water is a fresh, healthy kittens baby you'll be. If you remember the golden rule, you have to go.

Cleans ticks
Kittens are often vulnerable to something called a flea ' anemia ' which is a very serious condition. You should make sure that you get rid of head lice when you see them. If you see them on momma cats or kittens, you need to get treatment immediately. Your vet will be able to advise you on the best treatment for your cat, and so you should have no problem getting one right. Remember, you will need to wash all bedding, rugs, and carpets you home when your kittens have fleas. Those little bugs (and their eggs!) everywhere. You can get flea powder you sprinkle it around your home in most pet stores. Things have to kill bugs in no time at all.

Special handling for kittens
Handling kittens when they are young is very important. The truth of the matter is that cats need to be socialized at a young age or you run the risk they are afraid to be around people. Remember, momma cat will not love you handling kittens first time around. You have to be slow and gentle as possible with small children to show that you are not a threat to them. Hold and pet each in turn so they can see that you are not the enemy. Doing so will mean that they grow to be quiet around people, rather than fear them! Good luck, fellow lovers of cats.
Hopefully this way can help you Yes

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

wanita agen sailormoon

Namanya beriklan, kita emang kudu kreatif ya all, biar menarik minat konsumen, juga unik dan beda dari yang lain. Kaya iklan yang atu ini nih, cuma mau iklanin pembalut, aktingnya di buat kaya superhero. Kaya agen tapi berwujud sailormoon. Yang kalo action selalu punya slogan dengan kekuatan datang bulan, aku akan menghukummu. Penasaran, liat aja yak...

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Tips Mengirim Gambar di Whatsapp Agar Tidak Pecah

WhatsApp ialah salah satu aplikasi instant messenger paling populer dunia selain aplikasi BBM, Line, Mantan, dan lain-lain yang pernah kita kenal. Dengan WhatsApp, kita sebagai penggunanya dapat mengirim berbagai jenis dokumen termasuk gambar ke pengguna lainnya.
Tetapi WhatsApp tetap memberikan batasan dalam kapasitas file atau dokumen yang akan dikirim. Untuk pengguna perangkat Android, pengiriman file diberikan kapasitas maksimal hingga 100 MB, sementara untuk pengguna iOS mampu mengirim hingga kapasitas 128 MB.
Gak cuma itu aja, pengiriman gambar di WhatsApp pun akan mengalami kompresi atau penurunan kualitas terlebih dahulu sebelum sampai ke penerimanya. Tujuannya agar gambar yang dikirim dan diterima penggunanya segera cepat terkirim dan diterima.
Tapi pada saat tertentu, hal ini malah membuat si penerima gambar merasa terganggu karena gambar yang diterima kualitasnya kurang baik. Hal ini terlihat dari gambar yang terlihat pecah atau blur.
disini gue akan berbagi tips agar foto yang dikirim via whatsapp agar tidak pecah. Simak yak..
yang pertama buka aplikasi Whatsapp anda. Jangan liat status story mantan dulu. Fokus ke akun tujuan siapa yang bakal kita kirim fotonya.
Yang kedua, pilih lampiran, lalu pilih document.

Kemudian cari gambar yang ingin dikirim. 
Selanjutnya klik KIRIM.
Tunggu hingga proses pengiriman selesai.
Dengan memilih tipe Document pada saat mengirim gambar, maka kualitas gambar yang dikirim original seperti aslinya dan tidak mengalami kompresi atau penurunan kualitas.
Si Penerima gambar kudu mengunduh file gambar tersebut dan membukanya melalui Gallery, bukan melalui aplikasi WhatsApp. Karena pada saat penerima membuka file gambar melalui WhatsApp, gambar akan terlihat pecah karena sebenarnya itu cuma tampilan aja (preview), bukan merupakan tampilan gambar sesuai aslinya.
Voila, sekarang udah tau caranya yap. Semoga ngebantu yak....

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Apa Aja sih Tanda-Tanda Suka Sama Seseorang

Pertanyaan dari aa' sumedang 

Abdi teh mau curhat, gimana yah caranya saya tau, kalo saya ini teh lagi suka sama seseorang. Saya bingung. Tolong inimah dibantu ngejawab?

Buat aa' sumedang, tumben suka sama seseorang. Pasti dia neng tahu bulat yah? namanya manusia mah baik laki atau perempuan pasti punya rasa suka, baik ke lawan jenisnya atau sesama jenisnya. Yang sesama jenis tapi teh jangan ya, nanti di azab. Karna rasa suka itu teh fitrah dari yang maha kuasa selama tidak belok. Terkadang emang kita bingung, sebenernya kita teh suka gak yah sama seseorang itu. Daripada bingung, ini saya kasih tipsnya buat aa' sumedang juga yang ngerasa?

Ngerubah Penampilan
Biasanya kalo diantara kita ada yang suka sama seseorang, mendadak kitanya mah jadi lebih perhatiin penampilan. Yang biasanya mandinya cuma pas mandi wajib atau malam satu syuro, sekarang mendadak jadi rajin mandi. Yang biasanya sabun sama odol cuma abis buat mainan di kamar mandi ( yang jomblo biasanya ), sekarang buat sikat gigi sama buat nyabunin badan. Yang biasanya penampilan cuma koloran dari bahan karung tepung bogasari sama baju partai politik yang di dapet pas kampanye  kalo jalan, mendadak berubah pake jeans juga baju partai nasdem dengan tagline gerakan perubahan. Eh salah maksudnya kemeja. Makin sering pake parfum pewangi badan dan pakaian, yang dulunya cuma pake pewangi  uap premium dari tangki bensin motor juga pengharum ruangan. Pokoknya lebih merhatiin penampilan biar terlihat sempurna di mata si dia, ya walau kita tau sempurna itu punya nya andra and the backbone.

Pengen Sering Ketemu
Nah ini juga tandanya kalo aa' teh suka sama dia. Bawaannya teh pengen ketemu aja, gak subuh gak malem. Kalo buat yang sekolah atau kuliah, pasti mendadak semangat berangkat lebih awal, masuk terus tanpa alpa walau itu hari libur tanggal merah, libur semester juga libur lebaran. Yang kerja juga begitu, berangkat lebih awal, biar bisa punya waktu lebih lama ketemu sama  dia.

Rajin Komunikasi
Biasanya kalo orang suka bakal lebih sering nyoba berkomunikasi sama target. Ada aja bahan buat gimana caranya bisa komunikasi,mulai dari nyapa, cari bahan obrolan, comment IG nya, upload video lagi tiktokan, nyoba buat candaan, dsb, demi narik perhatian dia.

Salting bin Baper
Pasti ini aa' sering salting kalo ketemu dia yang di suka. Dari yang keluar keringet dingin, mimisan, muntah-muntah. Lah ini kenapa jadi ciri-ciri  diare ya. Pokoknya tiap ketemu dia jadi grogi gitulah. Apalagi pas papasan, terus dia nanya "apa kabar?" wah itu rasanya pasti seneng banget. Padahal dia nanya dinding di belakang aa' bukan aa' nya. Kadang juga cuma pas chat "hai" di bls "jg" senengnya bukan main. Padahal dia bales chatnya enam bulan kemudian. Atau pas dia ngebroadcast message dengan kata-kata "Tc, sorry BC", langsung jalan kayang keliling kampung saking girangnya.

Curi-curi Pandang
ini teh buat yang suka di tempat yang sama atau bahasa spanyol nya cinlok alias cinta lolok. Eh cinta lokasi. Kaya di area sekolahan, kampus, atau tempat kerja. Misal pas di sekolah, walau beda kelas, pura-pura ijin biar bisa ke toilet, nglewatin kelas dia, dan liatin dia. Kalo yang kerja, coba curi-curi pandang pas deket dia.

Nyimpen Fotonya
Di zaman serba internet ini, gak susah buat dapetin foto si dia yang aa' suka. Dari akun sosmednya aja udah bisa dapet foto uploadan dia. Gak kaya zaman dulu dah, mau dapet fotonya kudu punya kamera, beli filmnya, ngefoto dia. Itu pun kalo dia nya mau. Bisa juga minta langsung ke orangnya kalo gak mimisan plus pingsan saking nervousnya. Dengan nyimpen fotonya, aa' jadi sering ngeliatin dia dan mulai jatuh cinta diam-diam.

Kepikiran dan Kangen
Setiap lagi mau makan, tidur atau pas luang biasanya aa' teh jadi sering kepikiran dia. Dari cara kecepatan dia berjalan, diameter dia senyum, kecepatan kedipan matanya berapa kali perdetik. Dan karna sering kepikiran jadi bawaanya kangen, kangen pengen ketemu dan ngeliat dia.

Nah biasanya kalo lagi suka sama seseorang, aa' bakal kepoin tentang dia. Dari dia udah punya pasangan belum, apa yang dia suka dan gak suka, hobby, TTL, minuman favorit, makanan favorit, zodiac, kesan dan pesan. Lah malah kaya ngisi diary binder zaman SD ya. Pokoknya bakal lebih kepo lah aa' nya mah, bisa dari akun sosmed dia, temen-temennya atau pak RT di kompleknya. 

Ini juga tanda-tanda akhir zaman terkuat, saat dia berinteraksi dengan makhluk astral orang lain dan lawan jenis, entah kenapa aa' teh jadi cemburu gitu. Di dada teh sesek aja rasanya. Padahal mah bisa aja aa' nya teh lagi asma. Pokoknya setiap ngeliat dia ngobrol sama lawan jenisnya, kebetulan duduk sebelahan pas makan bareng, aa' nya jadi cemburu.

Nah gitu a' diantara tanda-tandanya aa' suka sama dia. Semoga membantu yah. Nuhun