What to feed kittens
The process of weaning the kitten kittens is transitioning from mother's milk to solid food. That is one important part of the development of the cat is, and should be done at the right time and with the right way. Usually the parent cats, will handle the weaning his own son. But when the parent cat has trouble producing milk, or when the parent cat to die, we need to help. Here are some tips for weaning cat smoothly and successfully.
Normally, the kitten should get mother's milk intake within a span of 12 to the first 24 hours of life. The first milk, or colostrum, contains antibodies that kittens can only absorb during this time.
"Some milk is better than no milk, " said Dr. Jules Benson, vice president of service animals on Petplan. If he doesn't produce breast milk due to mastitis or other problems, the parent cats can breastfeed as the kitten itself.
then what to feed a newborn kitten without a mother ? If a cat feeding is not available, You can feed the kitten milk replacement formula using the bottle or syringe. In an emergency, Benson recommend mixing a cup of milk, eggs, a drop of liquid multivitamin, and three Tums in blender; But it is his nature to use temporarily, to get some nutrients to the kittens, and you have to switch to formula as soon as possible.
prepare a bottle of milk for three to four weeks. Keep warm in a State in a bottle in a cup of hot water and try to check the temperature and it hasn't deteriorated. If you are using powdered formula, save unmixed powder in freezer.
Give slowly but often: every two to three hours at a time during the day. At night, don't worry about it; they will wake you up when they're hungry. If they were asleep, let them sleep, and they are going to sleep himself.
Weaning process begins around the age of four weeks. "With mom, they will start trying to eat his food, and he'd push them from him, " says Benson. But if there is no parent cat, you can start early, between three and four weeks.
"When they start biting and chewing on a bottle, they're ready, " says Benson. At this point, you can begin to introduce cat food.
To begin weaning the kitten, give the kitten formula mixed with food so that they recognize the flavor. Smear mixture around their mouth with your fingers and let them lick. Once they get used to the taste, they will find out elsewhere. Then you can introduce them to eat from a bowl. Monitor them so they don't eat too fast, and direct their face into the bowl, which can cause them to inhale the mixture and developed pneumonia.
Between the fourth and sixth week, gradually transition kittens weaning to dry food, supplementing with formula if needed. Using canned food or dry cat food mixed with water; at first, add plenty of water, and then reduce the amount of water as the kitten matured.
The General Schedule for cats weaning may be:
- Week 4-5: feed wet or dry food moistened, mixed with formula to form mud. Supplement with formula if the kitten did not take to new foods, to make sure it gets enough calories.
- 5-6: week of weaning must start to nibble on kibble, slightly moistened with water.
- Week 6-7: now, the process of weaning the kitten is complete, and they have to eat solid food for up to seven weeks.
When you learn to weaning the kitten to solid foods, it is very important to use a food specially formulated for kittens. This formula has a higher level of calories, protein and calcium growing kitten needs.
Weaning kittens have to keep warm. Build a place with high sides of the box layer or foil your pets with a towel. Benson also recommends adding a layer of diapers on top of the towel, cut the leg holes to make them lay down. "They will get freedom, " said, and this makes the cleaning easier. Place the cushion heater or hot water bottle under a towel on one half of the box. This gives the kittens warmth, but also a place to cool off if they overheat.
weaning is the process of natural Cat; they may just need a little help from you. Keywords: a little patience and lots of love.